" Temper takes you to trouble, Pride keeps you there "

"Be like flower - give Happiness and Fragrance to all!"

"Actions are nothing but the actor's thoughts projected and expressed in and through him."

"The bright beginning made each day can become the early dawn of the day of achievement."

"Comfort comes as guest, lingers to become host and stays to Enslave us."

"Disappointment can come only to those who make appointment with the future."

swami chinmayananda

Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Mandya

School with a Difference

(A UNIT OF KCST BENGALURU & Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi, Affl No. 830262)


Admission for


The Children seeking admission for LKG and UKG can do so from March onwards.


As Per Government Norms

Age for Admission

LKG : 3 years 10 months.

UKG: 4 years 10 months.

1st Standard: 5 years 10 months.

Admission for

1 to std 10th

CBSE syllabus

The school will consider for admission from 1st to 10th std pupils from all schools recognized by the Central Board or the State Board, on the production of Transfer Certificate duly issued by competent officers of the Educational Department subjected to the availability of seats.

The applicants should also satisfy the requirements of the C.B.S.E. scheme of the curriculum. In general, preference will be given for admission to pupils from C.B.S.E. Schools.


Kindly note that admission to class X will be subjected to the fulfilling of norms prescribed by CBSE and will be subjected to approval from CBSE.

Admission for

9th & 10th

State stream

The school will consider for admission from all schools duly affiliated by the issued by the state Board on the production of Transfer Certificate duly competent officers of the Educational Department subjected to availability of seats.


Admission Application Form