
Equation With Parents

We realize that our equation with dear parents is critical for the growth and development of our children. In fact, the suggestions and the feedback of parents serve as a guiding light in the path of progress of our Vidyalaya. Parents must be in regular touch with the school authorities and teachers to discuss the progress of children. Parent’s faith and cooperation are crucial to ensure that our children bloom on to become beautiful personalities and responsible citizens. The school conducts PTM after Tests / Midterm Examinations and parents are invited to participate in the meetings to discuss regarding the progress of their wards and offer their valuable suggestions.

As a school, we believe that the best way to forge a positive relationship with parents is through better communication. The school recently launched a one-way communication mobile app by name UOLO to improve Parent-Teacher communication wherein messages regarding PTA meetings, school circulars, class assignments, photographs of important school events are being sent by the class teacher to all the students of that particular class.
Parents have to download and install the app as per the invite message sent from the Team UOLO. Those mobile numbers registered with the school only will receive the invite message and can install the app. Mobiles which do not support the installation of the app will get the message in form of normal SMS.